Last week a few friends came for fish tacos- Andrew, Janell, Spencer, Libby and Hanna. Good food, good conversation, laughter. Hanna, a ministry school student, made two significant contributions to the evening:
1. a cake
2. a poem
in Estonian
Both were amazing.
Here is Hanna's poem, in English and Estonian-
The Marks of Shadows
Hanna-Liisa Reinpuu
When you are walking on the road
you can't see behind yourself.
When you turn around
you roll up the past
Afraid to knock, afraid to open,
afraid to share your dreams.
Why don't you continue the road
that you started when you were born?
Why are you shaken by somebody
who doesn't care about your dreams?
His flattery tangles you in the trap
you don't know how to let go from his firm grip.
..and by slow degrees all beauty will fade to oblivion.
You are running on fire
feet in the air.
You think you can leave without leaving a mark.
Estonian Version
Varjude jäljed
Hanna-Liisa Reinpuu
Kui mööda teed Sa kõnnid
ci näe Sa enda taha
Ümber pöõrates Sa rullid
lahti mineviku paha.
Kardad koputada, kardad avada,
kardad oma unistusi jagada.
Miks ei jãtka sa teckonda,
mida alustasid sündides?
Miks kõigutab sind keegi,
kes su unistustest ei hooli?
Ta meelitavad sõnad mässivad sind püùnisesse,
ei oska sa lahti öelda ta hoardest.
...ja vaikselt kòik ilus vajub unustusse.
Sa jooksed kui tulel
jalgu maha panemata
Arvad, et vòid laukuda jälgi jätmata.
Hanna's Cake
For more Estonian poetry, Hanna suggests reading the work of Juhan Liiv, one of Estonia's favorite poets.
Hanna's Cake
For more Estonian poetry, Hanna suggests reading the work of Juhan Liiv, one of Estonia's favorite poets.