"Always the living reality of Jesus Christ revealed
must be our rallying point."
Calvin Seerveld
The Psalmist declares- "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!" A new year, a new day... new. Anything is possible with newness. It is the time to begin. Again. I am not given to making 'New Year's Resolutions' (I remember the classic words of Mary Poppins, promises can be like "pie crusts, easily made, easily broken"). However, I have of late been convicted, or, perhaps challenged (where is that line between inspiration and conviction) to articulate goals. So, as a matter of accountability, here are my goals for 2012:
1. Spend more time at Christ's feet
2. Strive for simplicity
2. Strive for simplicity
3. Be more generous
4. Teach better (and more efficiently)
5. Complete, and submit, two books in progress (Long overdue)
6. Listen more, speak less