Monday, May 28, 2012

Stones, Scars and Shavuot

"Memory is frequently the bondslave of despondency. As a general principle, if we would exercise our memories more wisely, we might, in our very darkest distress, strike a match which would instantaneously kindle the lamp of comfort."
C.H. Spurgeon

"Man's most precious thought is God,
but God's most precious thought is man."
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel 

     There is on my right forefinger a scar. You would probably miss it. The scar is small, the memory runs deep. Scars remind us of moments, painful events captured like a photograph on a layer of skin. Forgetful people need scars. As Chesterton said, "There is such a thing as the momentary power to remember that we forget." That is why my 'to do' list is usually written on the back of my left hand.

     Today America celebrates Memorial Day, a day to remind us that men and women died defending our country. Yesterday was another day of remembrance- Pentecost, or as the Children of Israel call it, Shavuot, celebrating the anniversary of the day Moses was given the Law engraved on tablets of stone by the finger of God. Stone makes for good memorials. Stone has permanence. Cemeteries are filled with stones. I am grateful for the stones, the scars and Shavuot; they each remind me I am alive by the grace of God and I am grateful to be alive in America.

For a wonderful explanation of Shavuot by John J. Parsons, click here.

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Monday, May 14, 2012

The Thread Line

"With kindness and a smile you can lead an elephant by a thread."
Persian Proverb

     She said she liked to draw. 
     "What do you like to draw?" I asked.
     "Will you draw me an animal?" She drew several animals for me. I especially liked the deer. It was unlike any deer I had seen. But then, that's just it. This was a deer no one had ever seen until Carly drew it. Part memory, part imagination, Carly's deer was personal. As I watched this deer form I saw line as it is meant to be- confident, intentional, with an occasional pause as Carly would stare at the wall. She was remembering. As she drew one animal after another I remembered the drawings of old. Cave paintings. The earliest record of art on the planet depicting animals. Untrained (by our standards), unknown artists, painted these animals with the confidence and intentionality I was witnessing as Carly drew. I had the strong impression she had never been told, "You can't draw!" Or, if she had, she chose not to believe them. Praise God for that.
     "I like it," I said. Carly put the pencil down and smiled.

Carly's Deer

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sweet Gum

     I looked up and saw a rounded leaf, surrounded by pointy members of the community. Sweet Gum leaves are sharp, but this leaf was not. My first thought was, 'It must be from another tree, attempting to join a new group.' 

     It was not.

     My second thought- 'I will capture the one that is different and press it in a book.' Isn't that what we do with the different ones of the world.

     But, I did not. 

     Instead I captured the leaf with a camera.

     Every day I feel more like that leaf.

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