"The grace (favor and spiritual blessing) of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the presence and fellowship (the communion and sharing together, and participation) in the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen (so be it)."
II Corinthians 13:14 Amplified
communion \kə-ˈmyü-nyən\ 1: an act or instance of sharing 2a. capitalized : a Christian sacrament in which consecrated bread and wine are consumed as memorials of Christ's death or as symbols for the realization of a spiritual union between Christ and communicant or as the body and blood of Christ b: the act of receiving Communion c: capitalized : the part of a Communion service in which the sacrament is received 3: intimate fellowship or rapport. From Latin communion-, communio- mutual participation
For almost a decade, I communed with an amazing group named Westminster Academy; men, women and children participating in a common goal- to glorify God. My part was helping with art. I am always amazed at the number of 'Christian' schools that don't have art instruction. Westminster has both an upper school and lower school program. Today I made challah (see photo above). As the aroma filled, first the oven, then, the house, I thought about the word communion. I thought about those I have communed with, teachers, students, friends. And so, today I share work from former Westminster students. May it bless you as it has me.

Amanda Johnson

Joel Avila

Revelation 12:1
Lexie Shaunak
Alabaster Face
Holly Halford
Self Portrait
Anna Carnes
Stone, Wire and Glass Marbles
Lauren Vanderpool
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