"Be still and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10
propaedeutic (prō′pi do̵̅o̅t′ik, -dyo̵̅o̅t′-)
propaedeutic (prō′pi do̵̅o̅t′ik, -dyo̵̅o̅t′-)
Gr propaideuein, to teach beforehand pro-, before + paideuein, to instruct pais (gen. paidos), child
of, or having the nature of, elementary or introductory instruction
"Be still and know that I am God."
For most of my life the focus of Psalm 46:10 has been on the command to 'cease and desist', to stop and and make time to be still. A few weeks ago I began a painting based on this verse. While working through the Hebrew I stopped at the expression and know. In the Hebrew, the expression contains four characters, beginning and ending with a vav- the Hebrew letter which, to the ancients, symbolized a nail. Two nails frame a thought that should form my thoughts. Upon two nails hung the wisdom of God.
The apostle Paul penned it thus-
"For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not come to know God, God was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe." I Cor. 1:21.
Jeremy Begbie said, "Wisdom is lived knowledge."
Life is found in knowing the One between the nails.
Thank God we can be still. We can shut out the noises of the world and be touched.
ReplyDelete"I feign would take my stand". The cross is everything. Thank you.