Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Beginning Again

limen li·men (lī'mən)
The place or point of beginning; the threshold

"In order that people may be happy in their work, these three things are needed: they must be fit for it, they must not do too much of it, and they must have a sense of success in it."
John Ruskin

Every so often it happens- to grossly paraphrase John Ruskin, 'just often enough to keep you going' - a student gets it. The aha moment that teachers live for. It happened with Dana.

Dana finished her second print edition today. Several weeks in progress, her current set (titled Sublime) received the 15th and final color today. It is technically and aesthetically stunning. And to think, I was hesitant to introduce the class to screen printing, or, to use the proper jargon- serigraphy. The process is messy, technically challenging and time-consuming. Patience and discipline, attributes not usually seen in High School students, are mandatory. But, introduce it, I did.

For her first print. Dana asked if she could use an open cigarette pack as the subject. Again, hesitancy. Trinity is, after all, a Christian school. What message would be sent? It was a liminal moment. In my experience, students tend to treat the assignment seriously if they are interested in the subject. So, after a quick prayer, I said, "yes." After Dana pulled the second color, she asked, "Did I tell you the title?"
"That's a good title."
Sometimes a title redeems an image. The finished print is beautiful.

And so, Dana began her second print- Sublime.

There are a number of things that make the final prints exceptional-
1.) Before Suicide Dana had never done a screen print.
2.) The screen was hand-blocked (NOT a photo screen).
3.) All the materials were non-traditional, e.g. the fabric was curtain material from Walmart stretched over a picture frame, the blockout was latex paint
and the squeegee was stiff plastic from a storage container lid

Twenty two finished prints

Well done!

Serigraph on black Foamcore
by Dana Shapiro

Dana has selected the image for her third and final edition- an elephant in shades of grey. I have no doubt that it will be beautiful.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Home Again

Somewhere over there

Luggage back here

Joshua is back
on American soil. Praise God!

After the initial hugs and smiles, we asked, "What do you want to do now?"
His response, " Taco Bell."

Welcome home, Joshua.

Samuel, Joshua, Michael

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Easter morning!
My daily reading of the Psalms led me to Psalm 34, an acrostic psalm. A comment from my interlinear version says, "David conquered despair by composing this alphabetical hymn, to show that our every faculty, from aleph to tav, should be dedicated to God."

I am no David, but, here is my alphabetical hymn-

Abundantly, the goodness of God surrounds me.
Breathing reminds me of this, for breath itself comes from the Lord.
Comforts of this world do not compare to the comforter of my soul.
Desires and dreams find their home in Him.
Enveloped am I by the Lover of my soul.
"Friend", He calls me!
"Go, make disciples" He tells me.
Hearing His voice heals and helps me.
'In His grip' will be the ending to my letters.
Joy comes to me in the mornings.
Kaleidoscopic is His kindness.
Love, the love of God, defies my explanations.
Mindful of my concerns, He who made me leads me.
Needless are my worries.
Other gods call to me.
Pleasing is the heart-cry aroma that ascends to the Lamb of God.
Quietly, breeze-like, the Voice of the Lord accomplishes His purpose.
'Redeemer' is a banner over my Rescuer.
'Salvation' is His name.
Truth is defined by Him.
Under the shadow of the cross live the redeemed.
'Victory In Jesus' is the Mission Theme.
Waiting and wrestling are my pastimes- the Lord seems to enjoy a good wrestling match.
X is the shape of a carried cross.
Yielded to Christ is my stance.
Zion's mountains soar with delight for the Lord God, King of the universe, Who Was, and Is, and Is To Come!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday


good \ˈgd\ O.E. god (with a long "o") "having the right or desirable quality," - First record of good day is from c.1200.

What's in a word? Today is Good Friday. Good. The word good is used as an adjective, a noun, an adverb, an interjection and an idiom. I use it in the name of my blog. There are 603 verses in the New American Standard translation of the Bible which include the word good (870 in the King James). Aγαθος is the greek used in Luke 18:18,19 - A ruler questioned Him, saying, "Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone."

The expression for Good Friday in the German is Karfreitag (“Sorrowful Friday”). And so, today is good and today is sorrowful.

I look out the kitchen window and I see children, searching for eggs someone has hidden in the grass. I think they are having a 'good' moment. Searching can be good.
For the disciples of Jesus, the day between days, the time between Good Friday and Easter morning must have been a day of searching, remembering His words. Perhaps they remembered this-
"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit."

Thank you, Jesus, for Good Friday.