Monday, February 18, 2013

A Year With G.K. Chesterton

"Since Christianity broke the heart of the world and mended it, one cannot really be a pagan;
one can only be an anti-Christian."
G.K. Chesterton

To 'sum up' G.K. Chesterton in one volume is akin to eating an elephant, and Kevin Belmonte has done an admirable job of providing the reader with bite-sized pieces. A Year With G.K. Chesterton is just that- a daily scripture verse, an appropriate quote, a passage from an article or book and a factoid from the day in history. Whether you are new to Chesterton or have read his every word, this book is an excellent way to begin or end any day (I tend to save my daily reading for bedtime). 

I highly recommend this book!


At the opening of a lecture Chesterton gave on January 23 at the Times Square Theatre in New York City, he was introduced as "the Prince of Paradoxes."

Sunday, February 17, 2013


through my window
i see
the sound of snow
it is in contrast
to friday-
two days passed now
like satin
embracing burlap
could this be selah?
this surprise of silence...

the sight of
satisfies my soul...
and the Spirit whispers,
"Peace, be still."

Friday, February 15, 2013

More or Less

"Just when I think I have a handle on what is enough in my life, I am confronted by new ways to ask the question. There's a continuous line that we all must define and redefine at many different points in our lives."
Jeff Shinabarger

     How much is enough?

     John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club, was part of an expedition funded by a wealthy businessman. A story is told that one night the campfire conversation turned to the subject of the expedition's patron. After a few of the men speculated the man's worth, John spoke up. "I've got more than he does."
     "How do you figure that?" asked one of the men. 
     "I have all I want. He doesn't."

     More or Less by Jeff Shinabarger is one of those books that convicted me on one page, while offering a practical solution on the next; it goes beyond the usual question- How much is enough money? More or Less asks- How much is enough food, clothing, transportation... enough time? 

     Shinabarger writes:

     "There was a time, not so long ago, when the polite answer to the question, "How are you?" was, "Fine." It seems that busy is the new fine."

     "...we now determine the significance of a person by how busy they are. Somehow, busy has become better than fine."

Jeff Shinabarger's solution to an ever-busy world?


     "Presence is a physical expression of love in the midst of a culture that never stops- it is to stop and be with someone that matters."

You will have to read the book for a beautifully simple way to practice presence with others in your home.

     America is fat with excess and slim with generosity. Graham Cooke posed this question- "Do you want to be known as a careful person or a generous person?"

More or Less is scheduled to be released March 1. Thanks to the good folks at Story Cartel I was blessed with an advance copy. If you want to challenge your lifestyle paradigm, read More or Less by Jeff Shinabarger. I am glad I did. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Blessing

Samuel Carter
Leading a discussion on his recent paintings

     It is a beautiful thing when a son blesses his father. 
And I am blessed indeed. 

As my son Samuel becomes a man he continues to bless me with his insight and generosity. Not a day passes without him telling me about a song he has heard (and then play it for me) or sharing something he has read.  Recently he decided to sponsor a child in a foreign country, even though he is currently unemployed. Before I could ask how he would provide the support he said, "I plan to sell my plasma until I get a job."

     Last week I was privileged to hear Samuel speak before a group of artists. At one point, as Samuel answered a question from the floor, my friend Susan looked at me wide-eyed and said, "He sounded just like you when he said that!"

Yes, I am blessed.

Here are a few of Samuel's paintings.
May they bless you.

I praise God for sharing you with me, Samuel.
You are a blessing.

May the Lord continue to sanctify your imagination
and bless the work of your hands.