Monday, April 29, 2013

The Wild of God- A Global Journey

"God does not just tell us He loves us. He paints it for us."

Since childhood, books have provided me with transportation, and when the voice is true I have traveled far. The Wild of God by Eric Hanson is such a book; you could read it in one sitting... but you won't want to. Like any good journey, there are moments you want to savor and The Wild of God is a good journey. Eric Hanson joined a group of fellow adventurers who shared a common goal- traveling to eleven countries in eleven months, gently sharing life and faith with the people they encountered.

"I had seldom been in a position where I needed God on a very basic level of sustenance, shelter, and survival. But being vulnerable through traveling to places where life is scaled back to the minimum was something I needed to experience. Travel itself has a way of keeping us on our toes and putting us into a position where trusting in God becomes a real, felt need."

     From Peru to Mozambique to Tibet, The Wild of God will take you places not usually described in travel brochures. 

     Marcel Proust said, "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."

     The Wild of God is the story of a man receiving new eyes and sharing what he nows sees with all who are interested. 

"I realized that God cares more about my heart than anything else and that the Kingdom of God is a story- a story that I am a part of and not just a spectator of."

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

the story of The Voice

"Our goal has been and continues to be to attract a new audience to the Bible, namely, people who have never read, are reluctant to read, or find the Bible a hard book to understand."
David B. Capes, The Story of The Voice

     It is fitting that The Story of The Voice is a book about a book, much like the 'extras' that accompany motion picture DVDs, because the book it explains, The Voice, is a new translation of the Bible with dialogue written in screenplay format. Here is a selection from John, Chapter 3:

Nicodemus: Teacher, some of us have been talking. You are obviously a teacher who has come from God. The signs You are doing are proof that God is with You. 

Jesus:  I tell you the truth: only someone who experiences birth for a second time* can hope to see the kingdom of God. 

     Translating a book, moving from language-to-language, is somewhat of a mental wrestling match. As author David P. Capes puts it, "As scholars know, whenever you translate one language into another, something is lost; more often than not it is the form that is sacrificed. When possible The Voice team attempted to reproduce the literary form that shaped these ancient texts." Another translator from the Twentieth Century, Dr. E.V. Rieu, had this to say about translation:

"No great translation has ever been produced from a poor original."
From the Introduction to

     The Story of the Voice provides insight into a process usually reserved for scholars and theology students, but in a manner comfortable for the layperson; this is a book I recommend to not merely those interested in The Voice but to all who are curious about Bible translation and the issues translators must deal with.

     You can download The New Testament portion of The Voice by clicking here.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Perhaps if...

From the Translator's Preface to
"Letters To Young Churches"
(The New Testament Epistles)
by J.B. Phillips

Without going into wearisome details, we need to remember that these letters were written, and the lives they indicate were led, against a background of paganism. There were no churches, no Sundays, no books about the faith. Slavery, sexual immorality, cruelty, callousness to human suffering, and a low standard of public opinion, were universal; traveling and communications were chancy and perilous; most people were illiterate. Many Christians today talk about the "difficulties of our times" as though we should have to wait for better ones before the Christian religion can take root. It is heartening to remember that this faith took root and flourished amazingly in conditions that would have killed anything less vital in a matter of weeks. These early Christians were on fire with the conviction that they had become, through Christ, literally sons of God; they were pioneers of a new humanity, founders of a new Kingdom. They still speak to us across the centuries. Perhaps if we believed what they believed, we might achieve what they achieved.

London, 1941-Redhill, 1946

It should be noted that J.B. Philips wrote these words in
Great Britain during World War II.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Life after Art

"What do I want my students to remember as they enter life after art? I want them to remember all the things I forgot."
Life after Art, Introduction

     A good teacher understands the value of the right question and Matt Appling is a good teacher. He works with students in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade, but in his new book Life after Art, Matt poses questions we adults should be asking each other-

...what does the world (creation) say about God (the Creator)?

What does your work say about you?

What would I like my life to mean when it is over?

And the question that drives Matt as a teacher-

What can I do to make my work better?

     Beginning with the premise that all children are artists, Matt posits that the challenge is staying an artist. Filled with quotable nuggets like- "We are compelled to create" and "A little bit of beauty can change everything," Life after Art is a timely reminder that 'growing up' doesn't have to mean 'growing old,' a reminder that Jesus' words to a group of confused adults- "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven" are still being spoken today. I've been chewing on those words for years.

     Life after Art is for the CEO, the homemaker, and it is for me, a fellow teacher who sometimes forgets to become like a child.

A few of the people Matt describes in Life after Art  

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

art is...

"Imagination implies that you are into territory
no one has ever been to before."

What happens when you ask a group of people to define art?

Here is what happened when I asked the group I work with-

Art Is... from Good Day on Vimeo.